
this is just part of my internal monologue

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Ok so i went to the renaissance festival today and it was awesome. On the way up there my parents were talking about what they should be for Halloween, cause if i haven't told you yet my brother's rehearsal dinner is on Halloween, so everyone is going in costume. My father decided that he would be Taveir from the movie Fiddler on the Roof, and if you don't know what that is its a movie about this Jewish man in a long time ago and my dad kind of looks like the guy, and we decided that my mom would be the guys wife. They also mentioned that they needed to get their costumes. Ok, now that that's explained i have a rather hilarious story. My family has been going to the Texas renaissance festival since forever, and if you don't know about the renaissance festival (geeze im doing a lot of offtopic explaining), there are a lot of people that go and you know they dress up as if they were in the medieval times. Anyway we have never been one of those families who dress up and stuff cause we've always felt that it really wasnt needed. In fact i had just left some friends that i had met up there, and i had just finished telling them that we never dress up. So i went and found my parents, and i was walking up to the meeting place that we had said and i saw a guy in costume and a woman in costume sitting next to him. I said to myself, "hey, that guy's head looks like my dads, but there is no way that is my dad cause we dont dressup." Of course im wrong, im always wrong. It was in fact my father and mother in full costume. I was shocked. I realize that they were just getting their Halloween costumes. Ok i was shocked beyond reason. I have never seen them dress up ever. It was the most shocking stunning thing i have seen since who knows when. I know this isnt hilarious as i promised, but if you know my parents, seeing them dressed as peasants is possibly one of the funniest experiences i have ever had. And i wasnt emabarassed of them at all to my surprise, i thought if anything like that ever happend i would be embarassed, but i guess i just know that they wont like start wearing chain mail around the house (although i did see many people doing so and it was terrible), its just their Halloween costume. And the worst part is i still dont know what im going to be

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Have you ever been stuck in a rut, and nothing you do helps you to get out of it? I am right now, i have my daily routine that never changes. i see the same people (dont get me wrong i love my friends and family), i do the same things, i cant seem to focus as well, and im stuck. I hate the feeling. I know everyone gets stuck in a rut every now and then, but i need it to stop. My grades seem to be slipping, but i cant find the focus to bring them up. Its not that im just completely lazy, its just that... i dont know. Oh well anyway sorry about that rant ill be more enjoyable now.
I went to dave and busters today. It was so much fun. Nothing is better than eating a wonderful lunch with your best friends and then playing arcade games with your best friends. oh oh and i get to go to the renaissance festival tomorrow. I love the renaissance festival. it is so much fun, i cant wait, and its a long weekend i couldnt ask for more.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Im finally back, i wanted to get into my old blog and start blogging again but i realized that i had forgotten my name and password so i had to get a new blog. Well ive got a lot of catching up to do. this summer was pretty cool, my family took a two and a half week vacation in an rv. i saw some beautiful places, there were however a couple of drawbacks. i was sleeping on a blow up bed on the "kitchen floor" which was tile. But about the 3rd or fourth day in, it popped, now i dont know if there was like a needle on the ground, or maybe i was just too much for the little bed to handle. i then started to sleep on a little pallet of blankets and my popped bed. so my self esteem is shot because i think im to heavy for the bed and im sleeping on like 4 blankets on the tile floor it was quite hilarious. My brother kindly asked if i wanted to share his couch bed, but i declined seeing as i turn in my sleep causing anyone i sleep next to to be kneed, elbowed, or kicked out of their own bed. the last three nights of this trip were spent in a hotel which is more than somewhat ironic seeing how we were in an rv that is supposed to provide ample sleeping conditions. The engine of this behemoth of a vehicle is situated in the back so that it can push. well unfortunately my parents bedroom is in the back, and when you drive through arizona for 6 hours in the july sun, the back tends to get warm. so warm infact that it was close to 90 degrees in there. this is where my mother stepped in. when this happens she wins, so we stayed in a hotel. it was a good trip, but my father is cured of the dream of one day owning an rv.

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